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  • Camille Magneville. Author, maintainer, copyright holder.

  • Nicolas Loiseau. Author.

  • Camille Albouy. Author.

  • Nicolas Casajus. Author.

  • Thomas Claverie. Author.

  • Arthur Escalas. Author.

  • Fabien Leprieur. Author.

  • Eva Maire. Author.

  • David Mouillot. Author.

  • Sebastien Villeger. Author.


Source: inst/CITATION

Magneville C, Loiseau N, Albouy C, Casajus N, Claverie T, Escalas A, Leprieur F, Maire E, Mouillot D, Villeger S (2022). mFD: mFD: an R package to compute and illustrate the multiple facets of functional diversity, volume 2022 number 1.

  title = {{mFD}: mFD: an R package to compute and illustrate the multiple
  facets of functional diversity},
  author = {Camille Magneville and Nicolas Loiseau and Camille Albouy and Nicolas Casajus and Thomas Claverie and Arthur Escalas and Fabien Leprieur and Eva Maire and David Mouillot and Sebastien Villeger},
  journal = {Ecography},
  year = {2022},
  volume = {2022},
  number = {1},
  pages = {1--15},
  url = {},