This index takes into account species functional uniqueness (also called Functional Originality), species specialisation and species IUCN status.

fuse(sp_dist, sp_faxes_coord, nb_NN = 5, GE, standGE = FALSE)



a dist object provided by funct.dist, daisy or dist.ktab.


a data frame with the coordinates of the species on a multidimensional space based on a selected number of axes derived from a Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA). The species are in rows and the PCOA axes are in column.


a numerical value giving the number of nearest neighbor to consider. Default: nb_NN = 5.


a numerical vector giving the IUCN status rank (DD = NA, LC = 0, NT = 1, VU = 2, EN = 3, CR = 4) or the IUCN extinction probability associated with each status. See Mooers et al. (2008) for further information. For example, DD = NA, LC = 0, NT = 0.1, VU = 0.4, EN = 0.666, and CR = 0.999).


a logical value to standardize the GE values.


A data frame with species in rows and the following metrics in columns:

  • FUSE: functionally unique, specialized and endangered (see Pimiento et al. (2020);

  • FUn_std: functional uniqueness standardized between 0 and 1 (see Mouillot et al. (2013);

  • FSp_std: functional specialization standardized between 0 and 1 (see Mouillot et al. (2013);


Mouillot et al. (2013) Rare species support vulnerable functions in high-diversity ecosystems. PLoS Biology, 11, e1001569.
Pimiento et al. (2020) Functional diversity of marine megafauna in the Anthropocene. Science Advances, 6, eaay7650.
Violle et al. (2007) Let the concept of trait be functional! Oikos, 116, 882-892.


Fabien Leprieur and Camille Albouy


# Load species traits data:
sp_tr <- read.csv(system.file('extdata', 'data_traits_MMA_ursus.csv', 
  package = 'mFD'), dec = ',', sep = ';', header = TRUE, row.names = 1,

# Trait compilation and ordination:
dimorphism      <- ordered(sp_tr$dimorphism)
breeding_site   <- ordered(sp_tr$breeding_site)
social_behavior <- ordered(sp_tr$social_behavior)
weight_max      <- log(sp_tr$adult_weight_max)
social_group    <- log(sp_tr$social_group_mean)
# Trait Matrix construction:
sp_tr_end <- data.frame(
  main_diet = sp_tr$main_diet, 
  foraging_water_depth = sp_tr$foraging_water_depth,
  foraging_location = sp_tr$foraging_location, 
  fasting_strategy = sp_tr$fasting_strategy,
  female_sexual_maturity = sp_tr$female_sexual_maturity, 
  weaning = sp_tr$weaning,
  gestation = sp_tr$gestation, inter_litter = sp_tr$inter_litter,
  breeding_site = sp_tr$breeding_site, 
  social_group = sp_tr$social_group_mean,
  social_behavior = sp_tr$social_behavior, 
  weight_max = sp_tr$adult_weight_max,
  dimorphism = sp_tr$dimorphism)
rownames(sp_tr_end) <- rownames(sp_tr)
# Function weigthing vector:
v <- c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 
# Gower distance calculation:
sp_tr_end$main_diet <- as.factor(sp_tr_end$main_diet)
sp_tr_end$foraging_water_depth <- as.factor(sp_tr_end$foraging_water_depth)
sp_tr_end$foraging_location <- as.factor(sp_tr_end$foraging_location)
sp_tr_end$breeding_site <- as.factor(sp_tr_end$breeding_site)
sp_tr_end$social_behavior <- as.factor(sp_tr_end$social_behavior)

sp_dist_tr <- cluster::daisy(sp_tr_end, metric = c('gower'), 
  type = list(symm = c(4)), weights = v)
# Principal coordinate analyses
Pcoa <- ade4::dudi.pco(ade4::quasieuclid(sp_dist_tr), scann = FALSE, 
                       nf = 40)
#> Warning: Zero distance(s)

sp_faxes_coord <- Pcoa$li[1:40]
# FUSE calculation:
 FUSE_res <- mFD::fuse(
    sp_dist        = sp_dist_tr, 
    sp_faxes_coord = as.matrix(sp_faxes_coord), 
    nb_NN          = 5,  
    GE             = sp_tr$IUCN_num,
    standGE        = TRUE)
#>                                   FUSE      FUn_std    FSp_std
#> Arctocephalus_australis     0.00000000 0.4066626897 0.44574291
#> Arctocephalus_forsteri      0.00000000 0.5170579368 0.51871477
#> Arctocephalus_galapagoensis 0.65704590 0.5592652556 0.47871747
#> Arctocephalus_gazella       0.00000000 0.6208798411 0.56465339
#> Arctocephalus_philippii     0.00000000 0.2779525182 0.44247109
#> Arctocephalus_pusillus      0.00000000 0.2442786896 0.37884040
#> Arctocephalus_townsendi     0.00000000 0.5852680899 0.64653619
#> Arctocephalus_tropicalis    0.00000000 0.2297455947 0.32036900
#> Balaena_mysticetus          0.00000000 0.7452467855 0.57306402
#> Balaenoptera_acutorostrata  0.00000000 0.4460157412 0.41489069
#> Balaenoptera_bonaerensis    0.13238904 0.2184186166 0.32978308
#> Balaenoptera_borealis       0.41103021 0.2139234148 0.39976514
#> Balaenoptera_edeni          0.00000000 0.4661991166 0.27554077
#> Balaenoptera_musculus       0.80941909 0.6292520413 0.70171703
#> Balaenoptera_omurai                 NA 0.2386976599 0.41958574
#> Balaenoptera_physalus       0.56665878 0.3536749038 0.52385972
#> Berardius_arnuxii                   NA 0.3691785951 0.24980784
#> Berardius_bairdii                   NA 0.3306752012 0.23813008
#> Callorhinus_ursinus         0.48846635 0.5012945401 0.60635396
#> Caperea_marginata           0.00000000 0.1832726206 0.40111351
#> Cephalorhynchus_commersonii 0.00000000 0.1835307609 0.17480251
#> Cephalorhynchus_eutropia    0.01817766 0.0069987566 0.06626082
#> Cephalorhynchus_heavisidii  0.01830039 0.0083171263 0.06542231
#> Cephalorhynchus_hectori     0.01749032 0.0070959999 0.01634259
#> Cystophora_cristata         0.45529572 0.5865158316 0.43824460
#> Delphinapterus_leucas       0.00000000 0.6739629047 0.32847428
#> Delphinus_capensis                  NA 0.0264311644 0.16472623
#> Delphinus_delphis           0.00000000 0.3984163792 0.16127757
#> Dugong_dugon                0.38031579 0.5379056252 0.30543867
#> Enhydra_lutris              0.71394550 0.7016950229 0.45056295
#> Erignathus_barbatus         0.00000000 0.5531416419 0.35107768
#> Eschrichtius_robustus       0.00000000 0.8271900919 0.61300225
#> Eubalaena_australis         0.00000000 0.3144018773 0.78268639
#> Eubalaena_glacialis         0.53448288 0.2810689133 0.54593451
#> Eubalaena_japonica          0.64071030 0.4661757614 0.54157645
#> Eumetopias_jubatus          0.23895925 0.4516548620 0.56433150
#> Feresa_attenuata            0.00000000 0.2955099743 0.27261560
#> Globicephala_macrorhynchus  0.00000000 0.5255589486 0.35104810
#> Globicephala_melas          0.00000000 0.4990595861 0.35763988
#> Grampus_griseus             0.00000000 0.5233269607 0.29251186
#> Halichoerus_grypus          0.00000000 0.1032026841 0.35586820
#> Histriophoca_fasciata       0.00000000 0.6521823871 0.28824480
#> Hydrurga_leptonyx           0.00000000 0.6622353793 0.44212015
#> Hyperoodon_ampullatus               NA 0.2547878402 0.12270144
#> Hyperoodon_planifrons       0.00000000 0.2557952131 0.12249240
#> Indopacetus_pacificus               NA 0.2850555343 0.28554866
#> Kogia_breviceps                     NA 0.2839209537 0.25751272
#> Kogia_sima                          NA 0.1456685909 0.25492545
#> Lagenodelphis_hosei         0.00000000 0.7241772659 0.51940242
#> Lagenorhynchus_acutus       0.00000000 0.4544319444 0.19736356
#> Lagenorhynchus_albirostris  0.00000000 0.0907709847 0.14280471
#> Lagenorhynchus_australis    0.00000000 0.0010393047 0.21058380
#> Lagenorhynchus_cruciger     0.00000000 0.0020371106 0.15621825
#> Lagenorhynchus_obliquidens  0.00000000 0.3327438642 0.20430708
#> Lagenorhynchus_obscurus     0.00000000 0.4240208007 0.17545748
#> Leptonychotes_weddellii     0.00000000 0.5404210014 0.55524903
#> Lissodelphis_borealis       0.00000000 0.5812804661 0.50809556
#> Lissodelphis_peronii        0.00000000 0.2947422923 0.43157141
#> Lobodon_carcinophaga        0.00000000 0.5833807958 0.41597696
#> Lontra_felina               0.59408663 0.5749777422 0.35413972
#> Megaptera_novaeangliae      0.00000000 0.3564239828 0.45460052
#> Mesoplodon_bidens                   NA 0.2401439269 0.23803164
#> Mesoplodon_bowdoini                 NA 0.0644576583 0.20799830
#> Mesoplodon_carlhubbsi               NA 0.0008237359 0.07159363
#> Mesoplodon_densirostris             NA 0.2058523276 0.19967333
#> Mesoplodon_europaeus                NA 0.1358313979 0.09000617
#> Mesoplodon_ginkgodens               NA 0.0013549553 0.07202895
#> Mesoplodon_grayi                    NA 0.0544755693 0.20125592
#> Mesoplodon_hectori                  NA 0.0533639848 0.20213100
#> Mesoplodon_layardii                 NA 0.0156247025 0.09936896
#> Mesoplodon_mirus                    NA 0.2615344649 0.02711371
#> Mesoplodon_perrini                  NA 0.0007873510 0.07105382
#> Mesoplodon_peruvianus               NA 0.0022081471 0.07148019
#> Mesoplodon_stejnegeri               NA 0.0019316220 0.07240253
#> Mesoplodon_traversii                NA 0.0000000000 0.09237153
#> Mirounga_angustirostris     0.00000000 1.0000000000 1.00000000
#> Mirounga_leonina            0.00000000 0.6948598959 0.62780483
#> Monachus_monachus           0.25265231 0.1977684465 0.16152114
#> Monachus_schauinslandi      0.69523452 0.5791027790 0.52972758
#> Monodon_monoceros           0.00000000 0.7032597866 0.45028422
#> Neophoca_cinerea            0.36345229 0.1434988631 0.39804367
#> Neophocaena_phocaenoides    0.32176325 0.5420666711 0.17076625
#> Odobenus_rosmarus                   NA 0.5803602059 0.45366482
#> Ommatophoca_rossii          0.00000000 0.6659562055 0.34130521
#> Orcaella_brevirostris       0.04133240 0.0101282373 0.04578858
#> Orcaella_heinsohni          0.05624410 0.0292679517 0.08519702
#> Orcinus_orca                        NA 0.7536273607 0.39332028
#> Otaria_flavescens           0.00000000 0.0808815948 0.34394151
#> Pagophilus_groenlandicus    0.00000000 0.7570041744 0.46023398
#> Peponocephala_electra       0.00000000 0.5314927079 0.48063075
#> Phoca_largha                0.00000000 0.5982829480 0.33477382
#> Phoca_vitulina              0.00000000 0.4543455128 0.37496303
#> Phocarctos_hookeri          0.29111541 0.0782092491 0.35171865
#> Phocoena_dioptrica          0.00000000 0.2513166389 0.41532085
#> Phocoena_phocoena           0.00000000 0.0736635094 0.00000000
#> Phocoena_sinus              0.30989600 0.1864775088 0.14901742
#> Phocoena_spinipinnis        0.11003937 0.2651030237 0.18774230
#> Phocoenoides_dalli          0.00000000 0.2916871646 0.15983045
#> Physeter_macrocephalus      0.54891552 0.7564270292 0.51249076
#> Pontoporia_blainvillei      0.27464151 0.3710816347 0.22018302
#> Pseudorca_crassidens        0.17203888 0.4744533574 0.24712980
#> Pusa_caspica                0.36513400 0.1941091818 0.34349375
#> Pusa_hispida                0.00000000 0.1823213934 0.15240645
#> Sotalia_guianensis          0.01946782 0.0546637568 0.02364730
#> Sousa_chinensis             0.20619793 0.5623262797 0.31006940
#> Sousa_teuszii               0.38826398 0.2726857890 0.15850980
#> Stenella_attenuata          0.00000000 0.4500796407 0.27718723
#> Stenella_clymene            0.00000000 0.3747462296 0.40334210
#> Stenella_coeruleoalba       0.00000000 0.2311412497 0.18363765
#> Stenella_frontalis          0.00000000 0.3490478318 0.23845778
#> Stenella_longirostris       0.00000000 0.5133002403 0.18285982
#> Steno_bredanensis           0.00000000 0.1334810508 0.21805988
#> Tasmacetus_shepherdi                NA 0.3474343349 0.17676343
#> Trichechus_manatus          0.33814860 0.5037922863 0.24035976
#> Trichechus_senegalensis     0.36824108 0.5315342856 0.28350122
#> Tursiops_aduncus            0.04686502 0.0517896426 0.13834135
#> Tursiops_truncatus          0.00000000 0.3052280508 0.19082721
#> Ursus_maritimus             0.67482557 0.9090386502 0.70012282
#> Zalophus_californianus      0.00000000 0.1204667495 0.62677747
#> Zalophus_wollebaeki         0.32738815 0.0749554707 0.41799919
#> Ziphius_cavirostris         0.00000000 0.1383689569 0.09353647
 FUSE_res2 <- mFD::fuse(
    sp_dist        = sp_dist_tr, 
    sp_faxes_coord = as.matrix(sp_faxes_coord), 
    nb_NN          = 5,
    GE             = sp_tr$IUCN_50,
    standGE        = TRUE)
#>                                     FUSE      FUn_std    FSp_std
#> Arctocephalus_australis     0.0000000000 0.4066626897 0.44574291
#> Arctocephalus_forsteri      0.0000000000 0.5170579368 0.51871477
#> Arctocephalus_galapagoensis 0.4051935747 0.5592652556 0.47871747
#> Arctocephalus_gazella       0.0000000000 0.6208798411 0.56465339
#> Arctocephalus_philippii     0.0000000000 0.2779525182 0.44247109
#> Arctocephalus_pusillus      0.0000000000 0.2442786896 0.37884040
#> Arctocephalus_townsendi     0.0000000000 0.5852680899 0.64653619
#> Arctocephalus_tropicalis    0.0000000000 0.2297455947 0.32036900
#> Balaena_mysticetus          0.0000000000 0.7452467855 0.57306402
#> Balaenoptera_acutorostrata  0.0000000000 0.4460157412 0.41489069
#> Balaenoptera_bonaerensis    0.0022311864 0.2184186166 0.32978308
#> Balaenoptera_borealis       0.2482137302 0.2139234148 0.39976514
#> Balaenoptera_edeni          0.0000000000 0.4661991166 0.27554077
#> Balaenoptera_musculus       0.5062324442 0.6292520413 0.70171703
#> Balaenoptera_omurai                   NA 0.2386976599 0.41958574
#> Balaenoptera_physalus       0.3468953473 0.3536749038 0.52385972
#> Berardius_arnuxii                     NA 0.3691785951 0.24980784
#> Berardius_bairdii                     NA 0.3306752012 0.23813008
#> Callorhinus_ursinus         0.0562359308 0.5012945401 0.60635396
#> Caperea_marginata           0.0000000000 0.1832726206 0.40111351
#> Cephalorhynchus_commersonii 0.0000000000 0.1835307609 0.17480251
#> Cephalorhynchus_eutropia    0.0002983037 0.0069987566 0.06626082
#> Cephalorhynchus_heavisidii  0.0003002586 0.0083171263 0.06542231
#> Cephalorhynchus_hectori     0.0101183562 0.0070959999 0.01634259
#> Cystophora_cristata         0.0520745374 0.5865158316 0.43824460
#> Delphinapterus_leucas       0.0000000000 0.6739629047 0.32847428
#> Delphinus_capensis                    NA 0.0264311644 0.16472623
#> Delphinus_delphis           0.0000000000 0.3984163792 0.16127757
#> Dugong_dugon                0.0429309730 0.5379056252 0.30543867
#> Enhydra_lutris              0.4434975661 0.7016950229 0.45056295
#> Erignathus_barbatus         0.0000000000 0.5531416419 0.35107768
#> Eschrichtius_robustus       0.0000000000 0.8271900919 0.61300225
#> Eubalaena_australis         0.0000000000 0.3144018773 0.78268639
#> Eubalaena_glacialis         0.3270161133 0.2810689133 0.54593451
#> Eubalaena_japonica          0.3945009065 0.4661757614 0.54157645
#> Eumetopias_jubatus          0.0041331511 0.4516548620 0.56433150
#> Feresa_attenuata            0.0000000000 0.2955099743 0.27261560
#> Globicephala_macrorhynchus  0.0000000000 0.5255589486 0.35104810
#> Globicephala_melas          0.0000000000 0.4990595861 0.35763988
#> Grampus_griseus             0.0000000000 0.5233269607 0.29251186
#> Halichoerus_grypus          0.0000000000 0.1032026841 0.35586820
#> Histriophoca_fasciata       0.0000000000 0.6521823871 0.28824480
#> Hydrurga_leptonyx           0.0000000000 0.6622353793 0.44212015
#> Hyperoodon_ampullatus                 NA 0.2547878402 0.12270144
#> Hyperoodon_planifrons       0.0000000000 0.2557952131 0.12249240
#> Indopacetus_pacificus                 NA 0.2850555343 0.28554866
#> Kogia_breviceps                       NA 0.2839209537 0.25751272
#> Kogia_sima                            NA 0.1456685909 0.25492545
#> Lagenodelphis_hosei         0.0000000000 0.7241772659 0.51940242
#> Lagenorhynchus_acutus       0.0000000000 0.4544319444 0.19736356
#> Lagenorhynchus_albirostris  0.0000000000 0.0907709847 0.14280471
#> Lagenorhynchus_australis    0.0000000000 0.0010393047 0.21058380
#> Lagenorhynchus_cruciger     0.0000000000 0.0020371106 0.15621825
#> Lagenorhynchus_obliquidens  0.0000000000 0.3327438642 0.20430708
#> Lagenorhynchus_obscurus     0.0000000000 0.4240208007 0.17545748
#> Leptonychotes_weddellii     0.0000000000 0.5404210014 0.55524903
#> Lissodelphis_borealis       0.0000000000 0.5812804661 0.50809556
#> Lissodelphis_peronii        0.0000000000 0.2947422923 0.43157141
#> Lobodon_carcinophaga        0.0000000000 0.5833807958 0.41597696
#> Lontra_felina               0.3649494018 0.5749777422 0.35413972
#> Megaptera_novaeangliae      0.0000000000 0.3564239828 0.45460052
#> Mesoplodon_bidens                     NA 0.2401439269 0.23803164
#> Mesoplodon_bowdoini                   NA 0.0644576583 0.20799830
#> Mesoplodon_carlhubbsi                 NA 0.0008237359 0.07159363
#> Mesoplodon_densirostris               NA 0.2058523276 0.19967333
#> Mesoplodon_europaeus                  NA 0.1358313979 0.09000617
#> Mesoplodon_ginkgodens                 NA 0.0013549553 0.07202895
#> Mesoplodon_grayi                      NA 0.0544755693 0.20125592
#> Mesoplodon_hectori                    NA 0.0533639848 0.20213100
#> Mesoplodon_layardii                   NA 0.0156247025 0.09936896
#> Mesoplodon_mirus                      NA 0.2615344649 0.02711371
#> Mesoplodon_perrini                    NA 0.0007873510 0.07105382
#> Mesoplodon_peruvianus                 NA 0.0022081471 0.07148019
#> Mesoplodon_stejnegeri                 NA 0.0019316220 0.07240253
#> Mesoplodon_traversii                  NA 0.0000000000 0.09237153
#> Mirounga_angustirostris     0.0000000000 1.0000000000 1.00000000
#> Mirounga_leonina            0.0000000000 0.6948598959 0.62780483
#> Monachus_monachus           0.1497520468 0.1977684465 0.16152114
#> Monachus_schauinslandi      0.4302127336 0.5791027790 0.52972758
#> Monodon_monoceros           0.0000000000 0.7032597866 0.45028422
#> Neophoca_cinerea            0.2192750379 0.1434988631 0.39804367
#> Neophocaena_phocaenoides    0.0362881475 0.5420666711 0.17076625
#> Odobenus_rosmarus                     NA 0.5803602059 0.45366482
#> Ommatophoca_rossii          0.0000000000 0.6659562055 0.34130521
#> Orcaella_brevirostris       0.0240062354 0.0101282373 0.04578858
#> Orcaella_heinsohni          0.0058839286 0.0292679517 0.08519702
#> Orcinus_orca                          NA 0.7536273607 0.39332028
#> Otaria_flavescens           0.0000000000 0.0808815948 0.34394151
#> Pagophilus_groenlandicus    0.0000000000 0.7570041744 0.46023398
#> Peponocephala_electra       0.0000000000 0.5314927079 0.48063075
#> Phoca_largha                0.0000000000 0.5982829480 0.33477382
#> Phoca_vitulina              0.0000000000 0.4543455128 0.37496303
#> Phocarctos_hookeri          0.1750436555 0.0782092491 0.35171865
#> Phocoena_dioptrica          0.0000000000 0.2513166389 0.41532085
#> Phocoena_phocoena           0.0000000000 0.0736635094 0.00000000
#> Phocoena_sinus              0.3098959997 0.1864775088 0.14901742
#> Phocoena_spinipinnis        0.0018432814 0.2651030237 0.18774230
#> Phocoenoides_dalli          0.0000000000 0.2916871646 0.15983045
#> Physeter_macrocephalus      0.0642642678 0.7564270292 0.51249076
#> Pontoporia_blainvillei      0.0302045496 0.3710816347 0.22018302
#> Pseudorca_crassidens        0.0029361868 0.4744533574 0.24712980
#> Pusa_caspica                0.2193438717 0.1941091818 0.34349375
#> Pusa_hispida                0.0000000000 0.1823213934 0.15240645
#> Sotalia_guianensis          0.0003188826 0.0546637568 0.02364730
#> Sousa_chinensis             0.0035493076 0.5623262797 0.31006940
#> Sousa_teuszii               0.3882639834 0.2726857890 0.15850980
#> Stenella_attenuata          0.0000000000 0.4500796407 0.27718723
#> Stenella_clymene            0.0000000000 0.3747462296 0.40334210
#> Stenella_coeruleoalba       0.0000000000 0.2311412497 0.18363765
#> Stenella_frontalis          0.0000000000 0.3490478318 0.23845778
#> Stenella_longirostris       0.0000000000 0.5133002403 0.18285982
#> Steno_bredanensis           0.0000000000 0.1334810508 0.21805988
#> Tasmacetus_shepherdi                  NA 0.3474343349 0.17676343
#> Trichechus_manatus          0.0379151532 0.5037922863 0.24035976
#> Trichechus_senegalensis     0.0414988099 0.5315342856 0.28350122
#> Tursiops_aduncus            0.0007741038 0.0517896426 0.13834135
#> Tursiops_truncatus          0.0000000000 0.3052280508 0.19082721
#> Ursus_maritimus             0.0811703393 0.9090386502 0.70012282
#> Zalophus_californianus      0.0000000000 0.1204667495 0.62677747
#> Zalophus_wollebaeki         0.1982794545 0.0749554707 0.41799919
#> Ziphius_cavirostris         0.0000000000 0.1383689569 0.09353647
 FUSE_res3 <- mFD::fuse(
    sp_dist        = sp_dist_tr, 
    sp_faxes_coord = as.matrix(sp_faxes_coord), 
    nb_NN          = 5, 
    GE             = sp_tr$IUCN_100,
    standGE        = TRUE)
#>                                     FUSE      FUn_std    FSp_std
#> Arctocephalus_australis     0.0000000000 0.4066626897 0.44574291
#> Arctocephalus_forsteri      0.0000000000 0.5170579368 0.51871477
#> Arctocephalus_galapagoensis 0.5992815838 0.5592652556 0.47871747
#> Arctocephalus_gazella       0.0000000000 0.6208798411 0.56465339
#> Arctocephalus_philippii     0.0000000000 0.2779525182 0.44247109
#> Arctocephalus_pusillus      0.0000000000 0.2442786896 0.37884040
#> Arctocephalus_townsendi     0.0000000000 0.5852680899 0.64653619
#> Arctocephalus_tropicalis    0.0000000000 0.2297455947 0.32036900
#> Balaena_mysticetus          0.0000000000 0.7452467855 0.57306402
#> Balaenoptera_acutorostrata  0.0000000000 0.4460157412 0.41489069
#> Balaenoptera_bonaerensis    0.0054747614 0.2184186166 0.32978308
#> Balaenoptera_borealis       0.3731209005 0.2139234148 0.39976514
#> Balaenoptera_edeni          0.0000000000 0.4661991166 0.27554077
#> Balaenoptera_musculus       0.7405518753 0.6292520413 0.70171703
#> Balaenoptera_omurai                   NA 0.2386976599 0.41958574
#> Balaenoptera_physalus       0.5159872370 0.3536749038 0.52385972
#> Berardius_arnuxii                     NA 0.3691785951 0.24980784
#> Berardius_bairdii                     NA 0.3306752012 0.23813008
#> Callorhinus_ursinus         0.1087457494 0.5012945401 0.60635396
#> Caperea_marginata           0.0000000000 0.1832726206 0.40111351
#> Cephalorhynchus_commersonii 0.0000000000 0.1835307609 0.17480251
#> Cephalorhynchus_eutropia    0.0007324479 0.0069987566 0.06626082
#> Cephalorhynchus_heavisidii  0.0007372515 0.0083171263 0.06542231
#> Cephalorhynchus_hectori     0.0157191188 0.0070959999 0.01634259
#> Cystophora_cristata         0.1007823971 0.5865158316 0.43824460
#> Delphinapterus_leucas       0.0000000000 0.6739629047 0.32847428
#> Delphinus_capensis                    NA 0.0264311644 0.16472623
#> Delphinus_delphis           0.0000000000 0.3984163792 0.16127757
#> Dugong_dugon                0.0832219750 0.5379056252 0.30543867
#> Enhydra_lutris              0.6522096715 0.7016950229 0.45056295
#> Erignathus_barbatus         0.0000000000 0.5531416419 0.35107768
#> Eschrichtius_robustus       0.0000000000 0.8271900919 0.61300225
#> Eubalaena_australis         0.0000000000 0.3144018773 0.78268639
#> Eubalaena_glacialis         0.4866156416 0.2810689133 0.54593451
#> Eubalaena_japonica          0.5841787823 0.4661757614 0.54157645
#> Eumetopias_jubatus          0.0101348519 0.4516548620 0.56433150
#> Feresa_attenuata            0.0000000000 0.2955099743 0.27261560
#> Globicephala_macrorhynchus  0.0000000000 0.5255589486 0.35104810
#> Globicephala_melas          0.0000000000 0.4990595861 0.35763988
#> Grampus_griseus             0.0000000000 0.5233269607 0.29251186
#> Halichoerus_grypus          0.0000000000 0.1032026841 0.35586820
#> Histriophoca_fasciata       0.0000000000 0.6521823871 0.28824480
#> Hydrurga_leptonyx           0.0000000000 0.6622353793 0.44212015
#> Hyperoodon_ampullatus                 NA 0.2547878402 0.12270144
#> Hyperoodon_planifrons       0.0000000000 0.2557952131 0.12249240
#> Indopacetus_pacificus                 NA 0.2850555343 0.28554866
#> Kogia_breviceps                       NA 0.2839209537 0.25751272
#> Kogia_sima                            NA 0.1456685909 0.25492545
#> Lagenodelphis_hosei         0.0000000000 0.7241772659 0.51940242
#> Lagenorhynchus_acutus       0.0000000000 0.4544319444 0.19736356
#> Lagenorhynchus_albirostris  0.0000000000 0.0907709847 0.14280471
#> Lagenorhynchus_australis    0.0000000000 0.0010393047 0.21058380
#> Lagenorhynchus_cruciger     0.0000000000 0.0020371106 0.15621825
#> Lagenorhynchus_obliquidens  0.0000000000 0.3327438642 0.20430708
#> Lagenorhynchus_obscurus     0.0000000000 0.4240208007 0.17545748
#> Leptonychotes_weddellii     0.0000000000 0.5404210014 0.55524903
#> Lissodelphis_borealis       0.0000000000 0.5812804661 0.50809556
#> Lissodelphis_peronii        0.0000000000 0.2947422923 0.43157141
#> Lobodon_carcinophaga        0.0000000000 0.5833807958 0.41597696
#> Lontra_felina               0.5413762905 0.5749777422 0.35413972
#> Megaptera_novaeangliae      0.0000000000 0.3564239828 0.45460052
#> Mesoplodon_bidens                     NA 0.2401439269 0.23803164
#> Mesoplodon_bowdoini                   NA 0.0644576583 0.20799830
#> Mesoplodon_carlhubbsi                 NA 0.0008237359 0.07159363
#> Mesoplodon_densirostris               NA 0.2058523276 0.19967333
#> Mesoplodon_europaeus                  NA 0.1358313979 0.09000617
#> Mesoplodon_ginkgodens                 NA 0.0013549553 0.07202895
#> Mesoplodon_grayi                      NA 0.0544755693 0.20125592
#> Mesoplodon_hectori                    NA 0.0533639848 0.20213100
#> Mesoplodon_layardii                   NA 0.0156247025 0.09936896
#> Mesoplodon_mirus                      NA 0.2615344649 0.02711371
#> Mesoplodon_perrini                    NA 0.0007873510 0.07105382
#> Mesoplodon_peruvianus                 NA 0.0022081471 0.07148019
#> Mesoplodon_stejnegeri                 NA 0.0019316220 0.07240253
#> Mesoplodon_traversii                  NA 0.0000000000 0.09237153
#> Mirounga_angustirostris     0.0000000000 1.0000000000 1.00000000
#> Mirounga_leonina            0.0000000000 0.6948598959 0.62780483
#> Monachus_monachus           0.2283726931 0.1977684465 0.16152114
#> Monachus_schauinslandi      0.6345952150 0.5791027790 0.52972758
#> Monodon_monoceros           0.0000000000 0.7032597866 0.45028422
#> Neophoca_cinerea            0.3298536309 0.1434988631 0.39804367
#> Neophocaena_phocaenoides    0.0703478821 0.5420666711 0.17076625
#> Odobenus_rosmarus                     NA 0.5803602059 0.45366482
#> Ommatophoca_rossii          0.0000000000 0.6659562055 0.34130521
#> Orcaella_brevirostris       0.0371819980 0.0101282373 0.04578858
#> Orcaella_heinsohni          0.0115106174 0.0292679517 0.08519702
#> Orcinus_orca                          NA 0.7536273607 0.39332028
#> Otaria_flavescens           0.0000000000 0.0808815948 0.34394151
#> Pagophilus_groenlandicus    0.0000000000 0.7570041744 0.46023398
#> Peponocephala_electra       0.0000000000 0.5314927079 0.48063075
#> Phoca_largha                0.0000000000 0.5982829480 0.33477382
#> Phoca_vitulina              0.0000000000 0.4543455128 0.37496303
#> Phocarctos_hookeri          0.2640009489 0.0782092491 0.35171865
#> Phocoena_dioptrica          0.0000000000 0.2513166389 0.41532085
#> Phocoena_phocoena           0.0000000000 0.0736635094 0.00000000
#> Phocoena_sinus              0.3098959997 0.1864775088 0.14901742
#> Phocoena_spinipinnis        0.0045236417 0.2651030237 0.18774230
#> Phocoenoides_dalli          0.0000000000 0.2916871646 0.15983045
#> Physeter_macrocephalus      0.1239917183 0.7564270292 0.51249076
#> Pontoporia_blainvillei      0.0587425276 0.3710816347 0.22018302
#> Pseudorca_crassidens        0.0072022892 0.4744533574 0.24712980
#> Pusa_caspica                0.3310632694 0.1941091818 0.34349375
#> Pusa_hispida                0.0000000000 0.1823213934 0.15240645
#> Sotalia_guianensis          0.0007830123 0.0546637568 0.02364730
#> Sousa_chinensis             0.0087042852 0.5623262797 0.31006940
#> Sousa_teuszii               0.3882639834 0.2726857890 0.15850980
#> Stenella_attenuata          0.0000000000 0.4500796407 0.27718723
#> Stenella_clymene            0.0000000000 0.3747462296 0.40334210
#> Stenella_coeruleoalba       0.0000000000 0.2311412497 0.18363765
#> Stenella_frontalis          0.0000000000 0.3490478318 0.23845778
#> Stenella_longirostris       0.0000000000 0.5133002403 0.18285982
#> Steno_bredanensis           0.0000000000 0.1334810508 0.21805988
#> Tasmacetus_shepherdi                  NA 0.3474343349 0.17676343
#> Trichechus_manatus          0.0735594963 0.5037922863 0.24035976
#> Trichechus_senegalensis     0.0804618871 0.5315342856 0.28350122
#> Tursiops_aduncus            0.0019004117 0.0517896426 0.13834135
#> Tursiops_truncatus          0.0000000000 0.3052280508 0.19082721
#> Ursus_maritimus             0.1560437697 0.9090386502 0.70012282
#> Zalophus_californianus      0.0000000000 0.1204667495 0.62677747
#> Zalophus_wollebaeki         0.2973796407 0.0749554707 0.41799919
#> Ziphius_cavirostris         0.0000000000 0.1383689569 0.09353647