Get the names of species belonging to a specific Functional Entity (FE)
Get the names of species belonging to a specific Functional Entity (FE)
# Load species traits data:
data("fruits_traits", package = "mFD")
# Transform species traits data:
# Only keep the first 4 traits to illustrate FEs:
fruits_traits <- fruits_traits[ , c(1:4)]
# Load trait types data:
data("fruits_traits_cat", package = "mFD")
# Transform the trait types data to only keep traits 1 - 4:
fruits_traits_cat <- fruits_traits_cat[c(1:4), ]
# Load Assemblages*Species matrix:
data('baskets_fruits_weights', package = 'mFD')
# Gather species into FEs:
## gathering species into FEs (FEs named according to the decreasing...
## ... number of species they gather):
sp_FEs_fruits <-
sp_tr = fruits_traits,
tr_cat = fruits_traits_cat,
fe_nm_type = "fe_rank")
# Look for te names of the species belonging to the FE called "fe_3":
mFD::search.sp.nm(sp_to_fe = sp_FEs_fruits,
nm_fe = "fe_3")
#> [1] "blackberry" "raspberry"