Compute Functional beta-Diversity indices for pairs of assemblages in a multidimensional space
Computes a set of indices of pairwise functional beta-diversity
(dissimilarity and its turnover and nestedness-resultant components) based
on overlap between convex hulls in a multidimensional space. For details
about indices formulas see Villeger et al. (2013). This functions stands
on functional.betapart.core.pairwise
check_input = TRUE,
beta_family = "Jaccard",
details_returned = TRUE,
betapart_step = TRUE,
betapart_chullopt = list(conv1 = "Qt", conv2 = "QJ"),
betapart_para = FALSE,
betapart_para_opt = betapart::beta.para.control()
- sp_faxes_coord
a matrix with coordinates of species (rows) on functional axes (columns). Species coordinates have been retrieved thanks to
.- asb_sp_occ
a matrix with presence/absence (coded as 0/1) of species (columns) in a set of assemblages (rows).
- check_input
a logical value defining whether inputs are checked before computation of indices. Possible error messages will thus may be more understandable for the user than R error messages. Default:
check_input = TRUE
.- beta_family
a character string for the type of beta-diversity index to use, 'Jaccard' (default) and/or 'Sorensen'.
- details_returned
a logical value indicating whether the user wants to details_returned. Details are used in the graphical function
and thus must be kept if the user want to have graphical outputs for the computed indices.- betapart_step
a logical value indicating whether the computation progress should be displayed in the R console. Default:
betapart_step = TRUE
.- betapart_chullopt
a A list of two named vectors of character conv1 and conv2 defining the options that will be used to compute the convex hulls (through the options of geometry::convhulln function). For further details see help of
. Default:betapart_chullopt = c(conv1 = 'Qt', conv2 = 'QJ')
.- betapart_para
a logical value indicating whether internal parallelization should be used to compute pairwise dissimilarities. Default:
betapart_para = FALSE
.- betapart_para_opt
a list with details about parallelization. Default value means those parameters are set according to computer specifications.
is the number of cores (default = 4),type
is a character string with code of method used (default PSOCK),LB
is a boolean specifying whether load-balancing is applied (default is TRUE) andsize
is a numeric value for number of tasks performed at each time (default is 1). See help offunctional.betapart.core.pairwise
for more details.
A list with:
pairasb_fbd_indices a list with for each index a dist object with values for all pairs of assemblages. Indices names start with the abbreviation of the type of dissimilarity index ('jac' for Jaccard-like and 'sor' for Sorensen-like dissimilarity) and end with abbreviation of component ('diss': dissimilarity, 'turn' its turnover component, and 'nest' its nestedness-resultant component).
if store_details is TRUE,
details_beta list: inputs a list with sp_faxes_coord and asb_sp_occ on which indices were computed (required for drawing graphics), pool_vertices a list of vectors (1 per assemblage) with names of species being vertices of the convex hull shaping all species; asb_FRic a vector with volume of the convex hull shaping each assemblage (relative to volume filled by all species) ; asb_vertices a list of vectors (1 per assemblage) with names of species being vertices of the convex hull
All assemblages should have a number of species strictly higher than
the number of functional axes.
Computing intersection of convex hulls in space of >5 dimensions is yet
impossible with most computers.
This function uses R libraries 'betapart' (> =1.5.4) for indices
Indices values are stored as dist objects to optimize memory.
See below example of how merging distance values in a dataframe with
Villeger et al. (2013) Decomposing functional beta-diversity reveals that low functional beta-diversity is driven by low functional turnover in European fish assemblages. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22, 671-681.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Load Species*Traits dataframe:
data('fruits_traits', package = 'mFD')
# Load Assemblages*Species dataframe:
data('baskets_fruits_weights', package = 'mFD')
# Load Traits categories dataframe:
data('fruits_traits_cat', package = 'mFD')
# Compute functional distance
sp_dist_fruits <- mFD::funct.dist(sp_tr = fruits_traits,
tr_cat = fruits_traits_cat,
metric = "gower",
scale_euclid = "scale_center",
ordinal_var = "classic",
weight_type = "equal",
stop_if_NA = TRUE)
# Compute functional spaces quality to retrieve species coordinates matrix:
fspaces_quality_fruits <- mFD::quality.fspaces(
sp_dist = sp_dist_fruits,
maxdim_pcoa = 10,
deviation_weighting = 'absolute',
fdist_scaling = FALSE,
fdendro = 'average')
# Retrieve species coordinates matrix:
sp_faxes_coord_fruits <- fspaces_quality_fruits$details_fspaces$sp_pc_coord
# Get the occurrence dataframe:
asb_sp_fruits_summ <- mFD::asb.sp.summary(asb_sp_w = baskets_fruits_weights)
asb_sp_fruits_occ <- asb_sp_fruits_summ$'asb_sp_occ'
# Compute beta diversity indices:
beta_fd_fruits <- mFD::beta.fd.multidim(
sp_faxes_coord = sp_faxes_coord_fruits[, c('PC1', 'PC2', 'PC3', 'PC4')],
asb_sp_occ = asb_sp_fruits_occ,
check_input = TRUE,
beta_family = c('Jaccard'),
details_returned = TRUE)
# merging pairwise beta-diversity indices in a data.frame$pairasb_fbd_indices)
} # }